Spread love & compassion this month by supporting Astor’s
Feed Their Hearts Virtual Food Drive
This month, we’re highlighting Astor’s Head Start program in Poughkeepsie, NY, which serves low-income children and children with disabilities between the ages of 0-5 and the Lawrence F. Hickey Center in the Bronx, a special education preschool for children 2 years and 9 months to 4 years and 9 months.
This drive will provide nutritious snacks and meals to children facing food insecurities.
Sample food items include
Snacks: Fruit cups, crackers, Goldfish, oatmeal, granola bars, juice boxes, etc.
Meals: Pasta, sauce, canned meat/chicken, rice, boxed potatoes, mac and cheese, etc.
Let’s come together to feed both hearts and bellies this Valentine’s season! Every little bit makes a big difference.