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Do you find it difficult to communicate with your child/ren at home and/or in the community?
Are you struggling with managing your child’s/dren behaviors in the home and/or community?
Did you struggle with finding community-based support for your family’s needs?
Prevention Services/Family Connections is a time-limited (6-12 months), evidence-based model that utilizes a home-based approach to address both the concrete and clinical needs of the family. Prevention services utilize comprehensive family assessment tools to identify behaviors related to risk and to develop Core Outcomes that address the identified child welfare concerns within a family. With a strengths-based approach, case planners are committed to supporting families around developing skills and competencies that will enable them to keep their children in the home and out of placement.
Services Include:
- Individual and Family Counseling
- Weekly / Bi-Weekly Home Visits
- Psychiatric Evaluation Referrals
- Education Advocacy
- Social Skill Development
- Parent Education and Support
- The family must live within catchment area Community District 4 and 5
- The family must have at least one child, between the ages birth-18, that resides in the home
- The family must have at least one risk factor identified that impacts the child(ren) negatively
- The family must be referred to Prevention Services through one of the following:
- Administration for Children’s Services (ACS)
- Community Agency
- Self-Referral, Walk-In
Contact Us
Charlette Jones
1457 Ogden Ave
Bronx, NY 10452
Tel: (845) 489-4905
Email: Please use our Program Contact Form »
More Information
Program brochure (PDF file)
Folleto del programa (archivo PDF)
Learn about Astor's other Bronx Community-based programs:
- Care Management
Ensures appropriate access and service management via care coordination and service integration. - Counseling Centers
Provides counseling, psychiatric services and case management to children and adolescents, and their families. - Day Treatment
A school-based intensive treatment program that integrates mental health and special education services for students grades K — 8. - High Fidelity Wraparound
Evidence-based care coordination that uses a highly structured, team-based, family-centered approach. - Lawrence F. Hickey Center for Child Development (Little Red School House)
Special education therapeutic preschool - Prevention Services
Time-limited, evidence-based model that utilizes a home-based approach to address both the concrete and clinical needs of the child and the family. - School-Based Behavioral Health Treatment (SBBHT)
School-based clinics and other mental health/casework supports embedded in community schools. - Serving Youth iN Their Communities (SYNC)
Through supportive skill-building and clinical services, SYNC helps to build a strong foundation so that youth and families can be active and productive members of their communities - Transitions
Provides services to school-aged youths, 4-18 years old, who exhibit behavioral difficulties in order to promote academic stability and successful promotion to the next grade level. - Trauma Recovery Center
The Trauma Recovery Center strives to provide help, healing and hope to survivors of trauma.